the Klamath River Photo Project – Undamming the Klamath

After decades of peaceful protest, scientific study, and political wrangling, four Klamath dams are coming down. River renewal has begun.

The Klamath River Renewal Project is managed by the Klamath River Renewal Corporation (KRRC) whose mission “is to remove the Klamath hydroelectric dams and restore a free-flowing river.”

This is a remarkable turning point in the history of the Klamath River and its people. Check out these Karuk and Yurok artists speaking about why this is such a momentous occasion.

#WaterWrites UnDam the Klamath – Orleans, CA

#WaterWrites UnDam the Klamath – Klamath, CA

Undam the Klamath by Water Writers (, Orleans, California, April 1, 2023.
Klamath River Renewal Project Description, Copco Village, California, March 30, 2023.
Removal begins with moving dirt, March 31, 2023.

Copco Lake – March 31, 2023

The Lower Klamath Project is amongst the world’s largest dam removal efforts with the goal of restoring hundreds of miles of natal habitat for ocean going fish such as steelhead trout and chinook and coho salmon.

The removal of four hydroelectric dams and their reservoirs: Copco No. 1, Copco No. 2, John C. Boyle, and Iron Gate are due for removal by fall 2024. Reservoir drawdown begins early January 2024. River renewal and restoration efforts will begin immediately after.

– These photographs, Copco Lake – March 31, 2023, are part of a multi-year photo documentary effort by Joseph Wilhelm called the Klamath River Photo Project.